The agreement comes as an extension of a collaboration that has already lasted for several years. According to the contract, Geminor is to deliver 100,000 tonnes of Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) a year from 1 January 2023 until 2027. The RDF is to be used as fuel at ARGO's district heating plant in Roskilde.
The residual waste Geminor supplies is mainly mixed Italian household waste which is ground, baled and transported by ship to Denmark from bases in southern Italy. This is residual waste that would otherwise have been deposited.

Today's deliveries require closer cooperation
Country Manager in Geminor Denmark, Kasper Thomsen, is satisfied with how the agreement has been secured through wider cooperation throughout the value chain.
- During extensive logistics processes like this, we increasingly have to involve and coordinate several players in the value chain. In Italy, we collaborate with several waste producers, and we have landed more robust logistics and transport solutions that ensure deliveries in a relatively turbulent transport market, says Thomsen.
- The market for residual waste for energy recovery is becoming increasingly complex in terms of logistics, which applies both on the producer and recipient side. This requires, among other things, more liquidity among the players, as well as more secure agreements and back-up solutions, says Thomsen.
- We are very satisfied with the renewed trust ARGO has shown us, and look forward to securing the deliveries of residual waste for energy recovery in the coming winter seasons as well, concludes CM of Geminor DK, Kasper Thomsen.